Thursday 27 July 2017

Weight loss 4 - 50 tips

50  tips to help you to reduce your weight.

If you need to discuss any of them or obtain more information, just write us and we will reply ASAP.

Share this information, maybe someone find it useful.

Thank you for following us.

• Eat consciously and enjoy your meals. Take your time to eat.
• When possible eat whole foods. Fiber sats you for longer.
• Avoid snacks before bedtime, that is not the same than don't eat your dinner.
• If you break your diet because cravings, always do it as healthy as possible and in small portions.
• Take water to drink, have no calories and will help you to lose weight.
• Take care of what you put in the salad, avoid sauces containing oil or cream.
• Eat more low-fat meat. Fish, chicken or turkey are good alternatives.
• Use small plates, so the food will look bigger.
• Use the oven more, so you can take advantage of the juice of fruits and vegetables during cooking to get better flavors.
• Do you have a nice dress that you can no longer wear? Take it out, make it visible to motivate you.  You will dress it soon.
• Eat more protein.  It maintains satiety longer.
• "Low-fat" or "low-sugar" labels generally hide the increase in other "non-beneficial" ingredients.
• Avoid breaded food. The batter absorbs a lot of fat.
• If you have a craving, start drinking water. Sometimes our brain sends confusing signals between cravings and lack of hydration.
• There is no reason to eat beyond satiety.
• Try to burn calories with any activity you do every day. Stretch, move your feet while sitting, dance, etc.
• Measure your waist, thigh, and hip with a tape measure; Do it every week to keep track of your change. But be careful, do not obsess.
• Ice cream craving? Choose preferably fruit sorbets, have fewer calories.
• Try to get enough sleep, and above all, that the quality of your sleep is optimal.
• Exercise more in your daily life. It is healthy and it can also be fun.
• Look at the nutritional information of the foods you buy.
• Avoid Trans and / or saturated fats.
• Write the goals you want to achieve. Follow the "SMART" method.
• Beware of alcohol, it has more calories than you think and also it twists your metabolism to different tasks.
• Relax. Stress promotes the fat storage and the anxiety induces you to eat more.
• Use the grill or wok as alternatives to avoid cooking with oil.
• Going hungry is not good for you.
• Look for a fixed day in the week to weigh yourself. Do not do it every day and do it after going to the toilet and before eat anything.
• Keeps a food diary and even note on it about feelings and emotions that may appear during the meal.
• Eat fresh food as much as possible. Precooked foods usually have additional components to preserve them.
• A good option is to eat fruit as a snack.
• Keeping a photographic record of your changes is a good idea.
• Never skip a good breakfast.
• Eat lots of vegetables, they just have calories.
• Once you achieve your goals, reward yourself. Give yourself a gift, you deserve it.
• Small sustained changes bring better results than a big change with high sacrifices.
• Eat slowly. The sensation of satiety only appears after 20 minutes.
• Exercise at least three times a week.
• If you do not resist craving to eat sweet, try to balance it with other foods according to its glycemic index.
• In company it is easier to lose weight. Do it with friends or your partner.
• Plan the shopping list.
• If you eat chocolate, dark chocolate is better, you will be satiated before and you will not eat as much.
• Don't keep junk food in your cupboard, avoid any temptation to your goal.
• Eat always sitting at the table, even the smallest meals.
• Never go to the supermarket with an empty stomach, you probably will  buy more than you planed.
• Look for different alternatives to control your anxiety or emotions, rather than  eating.
• It is best to take low-fat milk or skim milk.
• It is not the same to lose weight, than lose it well. If you destroy other tissues and not just the fat, you will soon recover the weight lost.
• Losing weight without control can affect your health and could give you a negative effect in your image.

• Reduce salt in foods. Even if you do not notice it, salt helps to retain liquids and increase your weight.

Thursday 20 July 2017

Weight loss tips III - Mom's special

Are you pregnant?
Congratulations, we hope you enjoy the miracle of bringing a new life to this world.

However, this is not an excuse to abandon your image.

It is very common in pregnant women to put on a lot of weight, and when the pregnancy is over to find huge difficulties to lose it.

One reason for this is the false belief of eating for two.

Your baby is so small that doesn't affect your energy requirements in the first two quarters of pregnancy, and at the end a small dietary adjustment is enough.

Remember that everything starts with two small cells and after a month, your  baby is just the size of a poppy seed. In the first quarter has the size of a small lemon and the second quarter the size of a mango ...

Because of the sagging of the skin during pregnancy, if you gain a lot of weight, it will take a lot of work to return to your  previous size.

If you have any doubt or want to know more, write us and we will try to post the comments in future recommendations.

Try to find a good professional to perform a good assessment and check your nutritional status.  It will help to control your weight during the pregnancy and after it.

Thursday 13 July 2017

Weight loss tips II

Weight loss tips II

How do you pretend to lose weight if you store your waste?

 To get started, a classic tale....
 There was a meeting of body parts, discussing who should be the leader.
The brain said that he should be the leader because he coordinates everything. The heart said that he should be the leader because he sends blood to the whole organism. The lungs because they took the oxygen we need... And so, each one proposed themselves as leaders of the body.   At the end the poo said it wanted to be the leader. Of course, everyone laughed and despised its proposal.
So the poop decided not to leave.
Days went by without evacuating the poop and the body began to get sick.  Just when the body was too bad and sick, then everyone realised their mistake and allowed the poop to lead.
* Even today there are those who have poop leading in the head and in the heart ...haha...

Well, getting back to our business, it's time to realise how important it is for us to eliminate our wastes.

Not just because they have its own weight and we record it on the scale as part of the measurement of our weight, but also because they bring adverse effects to our body, which do not allow us to enjoy good health.

The constipation, the fluid retention and the distention by gases are great enemies of our figure and our weight.

According to a study by the American Dietetic Association, the average weight of daily deposition in a person with a healthy diet is 500 grams, while in a Western citizen the average elimination is only 200 grams per day.

A diet low in fibre, processed foods that are slow to digest, some toxic substances (tobacco, alcohol, etc.), stress and little water consumption, help developing different forms of constipation.
"What is not eliminated is kept inside and weighed" by increasing what the scale records in us.
Keeping hundreds of grams of waste inside us accumulates toxins, fermenting badly digested foods and causing our bodies to malfunction.

The accumulation of gases makes us look fatter, distend our abdomen, can cause pain and can compromise our life in society ...

The retention of liquid also makes us look fatter and with a sense of heaviness. Our kidneys do not work properly, our circulation is affected and it can cause widespread damage.

All this has a solution, but the change must be carried out in a progressive way or we will have unpleasant effects that will make us return to our previous state.

Thursday 6 July 2017

Weight loss tips I

Good hydration.  In a dehydrated organism, the priority is to maintain a balance and not to keep a healthy metabolism. Although we do not feel it, we generally do not replenish the liquid we lose.

Wake up early.  The human body has diurnal customs and as such many of its biochemical functions are regulated by the circadian cycle. Including metabolic processes.

Avoid stress.  When stressed, your body releases cortisol that helps to burn first sources of energy but keeps the fat and storages it.  Meanwhile the metabolic ways are focused in other ways.

Perform exercise.  Muscles have a better metabolic rate than fat tissue.  If you enhance your muscular mass you will improve your energy use and will burn more fat.  But this effect has limits.

Select your food.  Your liver will be busy processing chemicals from processed food rather than attending its metabolic functions.  Furthermore, food with high glycemic index will cause changes in your own insulin.

Energy drinks.  Some substances could change and enhance the metabolism, but they usually cause changes in all the body and may have several adverse effects.  Some of them have a lot of sugar as well.

Sleep.  Lack of sleep can cause alterations in the release of ghrelin and leptin, which are hormones that control appetite and fat distribution, as well as contribute to stress

Thursday 20 April 2017

AB Esthetic is coming

It's the real thing.

We found a good place to start our business.
Now we have to prepare everything for the great opening.

We will in touch.

Thanks for follow our posts.

Monday 20 March 2017

Aesthetic Medicine for Dummies - PRP (Dracula Therapy)


Using the principles of stem cell technology in the recovery, repair and defence of our tissues, we can use our own blood cells to stimulate the repositioning and reorganization of some cells and proteins that we have lost over the years.

After taking a small sample of blood and process it, we can return to our tissues the components that help us to recover the losses suffered with aging.

This technique is not only used in aesthetic medicine, many other medical specialties are using it with good results.

Aesthetic Medicine for Dummies - Threads


With the pass of the time our skin becomes flaccid and begins to hang generating folds that raise our aged image.

Through internal "sutures" we can re-anchor the skin to deep structures and achieve a rejuvenating effect.

For this purpose we use needles with blunt tip and threads with small spines to grasp the skin. 
All of this, with simple local anaesthetic and almost immediate effects.

Aesthetic Medicine for Dummies - Preventive Medicine and Antiaging


Some aspects of the modern life can lead us to an early aging.

Stress, bad habits, poor nutrition and others are harming our bodies.

Fortunately modern medicine can help us to make an early diagnosis and give us the tools to prevent the premature damage of our bodies.

Aesthetic Medicine for Dummies - Nutritional Guidance


We know that loss of weight is simple, but without control it can bring unbalance to your metabolism and cause problems to your health. 

Furthermore uncontrolled loss weight could bring you the appearance of tiredness, weakness or sickness, or simply put you at risk of suffering the rebound effect and cause a worse image than the beginning.

We can escort your way to weight loss.

Aesthetic Medicine for Dummies - Liposculpture Without Surgery


Using the physical principles in some machines, we can move and destroy fat from outside of the skin. 

Without surgery.   No theatre, no general anaesthesia or sedation, much less pain and recuperation with similar results.

After that, if you follow some recommendations, your body will be able to eliminate the excess of fat  by itself.

Aesthetic Medicine for Dummies - Fillers


Because many of the wrinkles appear due a loss of the support tissues, we can replace that support with natural substances to correct the depression on the skin.

Also we can use the mass effect of these substances to gain volume in some parts of the body, like lips, nose, cheek, chin, etc.

Aesthetic Medicine for Dummies - Botulinum Toxin (Botox)


This popular substance can cause numbness in the muscles where it is used, helping to lessen the unsightly lines of expression. 

For the injection we use special small needles to avoid any discomfort.

This substance is used as well to treat migraine, excess of sweat, some muscular tension for stress and muscular problems with neurological basis.

Aesthetic Medicine for Dummies - Peelings


We can use peelings to renew the skin.

Applying superficial substances in the skin we can sweep dead and bad cells away, allowing new cells to appear, keeping the skin fresh and clean.

We can use deep peelings, but modern techniques can be used with minimum pain and discomfort.

Aesthetic Medicine for Dummies - Sclerotherapy


This is a therapy to treat varicose veins.

Through small injections we can put a special medicine into the vein causing its collapse and closing it forever.

There is no pain because the veins do not have nerves and the results are immediate.

Aesthetic Medicine for Dummies - Mesotherapy


Using small injections, with very fine needles, we can administer drugs to destroy the fat, correct the cellulite, nourish the tissues and stimulate the repair of the body itself.

Other medical specialties use mesotherapy to treat inflammation and infections as well.

Aesthetic Medicine for Dummies - Aging and Stress


It is not a secret that stress, sedentary lifestyle and poor diet in modern life are leading us to progressive deterioration of our health, which then we try to recover with medication.

The best remedy to prevent aging and the appearance of related diseases is prevention.

We can help you in sleep control, guiding you nutrition and offering you supplements, recommending appropriate physical activity and supporting you in a preventive process.

Aesthetic Medicine for Dummies - Hyperhidrosis


Due to stress, physical activity or emotional changes, some people often sweat too much causing them difficulties to perform their regular activities or to be in society.

The functioning of the sweat glands happens when very small muscles around the gland squeeze them and forced them to release their contents.

Decreasing the function of these muscles greatly controls the release of sweat. 

We know what medication to use and where to use it.

Aesthetic Medicine for Dummies - Localised Fat


Even if we take care of our diet and exercise, there are fat accumulations that do not go away and do not allow us to achieve the image that we want.

In surgery, liposuction is used to remove these deposits of fat, but there are also alternatives without surgery to treat localised fat.

With special medication in small injections and the use of specialized devices, we are able to destroy the fat from outside the skin with very similar results to the surgical ones.

Aesthetic Medicine for Dummies - Alopecia


Hormonal changes due to aging affect the hair follicle causing hair loss, mainly in men.

Some skin conditions also cause hair loss which should be treated directly.

To prevent hair loss the hair follicle must be strengthened and protected in order for it to keep producing hair.

Several products in mesotherapy achieve this goal and prevent baldness.

Aesthetic Medicine for Dummies - Acne


Acne occurs when the sebaceous glands of the skin become clogged but continue to produce secretion, forming cysts; when they burst and release their contents inside the skin, inflammation occurs and leads to infection.

Performing superficial peels prevents dead cells from plugging the gland ducts and helps to uncover those that are already blocked.

Of course, apart from not leaving good image, acne brings the risk to generate permanent scars.

It can appears in any part of the skin.

Aesthetic Medicine for Dummies - Spots


The spots on the skin happen by an excessive stimulation of the melanocytes (the cells that produce the pigment of the skin). This stimulation can usually be given by Sun exposure, by hormonal changes or by local affection.

The treatment consists of peeling the skin by sweeping the stained cells and acting on the basal layers to prevent the melanocytes from producing excess of pigment.

We have to treat the cause to prevent recurrences of the spots.

Aesthetic Medicine for Dummies - Wrinkles


The wrinkles are the most characteristic sign of aging.

They happen because of skin wear and can occur by loss of sustain in the skin, by marks of lines of expression or by flaccidity of the skin.

The treatment will depend on the type of wrinkle, replacing the lost tissue with fillers, reducing the lines of expression or linking the skin to deeper structures.

For best results the ideal is a combination of techniques, however prevention should be the main objective which is impossible with simply generic creams.

Aesthetic Medicine for Dummies - Varicose Veins


The normal circulation in the legs occurs through a deep venous system, but when it does not work well, the blood is send by a superficial system leading the dilation of these veins. It makes them notorious and leads the appearance of inflammation.

When the varicose veins are not too large they can be treated with medicines that close the veins and stimulate to use the deep circulation as it should be.

Sclerotherapy achieves immediate results because it collapses the veins and seals them permanently.

With Mesotherapy for vascular nutrition and some general measures we can prevent the problem to reappear.

More technical aspects:

Under redaction ...  Coming soon

Aesthetic Medicine for Dummies - Cellulite


Cellulite occurs when the elastic capacity of the skin is exceeded, usually by the pressure exerted by the accumulation of fat in the skin. This increase in pressure causes the affected area not to have a good circulation and to show an irregular shape.

The treatment should be directed to reduce the localised fat and release tension in the tissues, improve circulation and restore the elasticity and consistency of the skin.

We can help you.

More technical aspects:

Under redaction ...  Coming soon

Aesthetic Medicine for Dummies - Overweight


Keeping in mind that fat is simply the way to accumulate energy, the modern lifestyle has led us to accumulate in excess this energy. We receive a lot and burn very little.

A nutritional guidance can help you to find the balance and to guide you in fat loss.

In addition we can offer you treatments to reduce localised fat and increase your metabolism.

More technical aspects:

Under redaction ...  Coming soon

Sunday 19 March 2017

How to treat circulatory problems in the legs.

Today I want to tell you about the treatments of circulatory problems in the legs.
The methods for removing varicose veins depend on its size.     If there are very large veins, there is no other remedy than surgery ...
But some medium and small veins can be removed by burning them ... but burning them without pain.
For this we can use the laser, although it is not cheap…       or we can use sclerotherapy that remains been  the medical procedure of choice.   Sclerotherapy is a technique that involves injection a substance into the vein, causing its irritation and collapse, sealing it permanently.  On the spot, like magic.
And because the veins don’t have nerves, we don’t feel what happens in them. There is no pain.
Of course, these treatments will not help much, if we don’t do something else to improve the circulation; otherwise varicose veins and symptoms will reappear.
To help our circulation there are medications that help in nutrition and strength for the wall of the blood vessels.
Massages for venous and lymphatic drainage, help to release tension of these vessels and should be performed regularly,  additionally  some ambulatory recommendations could help to keep our legs in a good shape.
In AB Esthetic we can help you with this.

If you need more information,     we can provide advise  totally  free       or make your appointment      and start treatment soon .

Saturday 18 February 2017

You must have problems with the circulation in your legs.

Today I want to talk about the circulatory system.
I bet you learned that our circulation occurs  by a circuit commanded by the heart, which carries blood through the arteries to the capillaries and returns through the veins to the heart to be pumped again.
This is partly true, but it has missed something important ... This is not a closed system. It would not have sense.  Blood running around and around ...?
What happens is that the circuit is opened in the capillaries and blood releases fluids, oxygen and nutrients to the tissues to allow them to work.  Then, veins and lymphatics collect excess of fluid and waste, to return them to the circulation, eliminate what doen’t work and recharge oxygen and nutrients.
But how they return?  The heart pumps blood through the arteries to the tissues ... but who pumps the venous blood from the tissues? We do not have small hearts there that push the blood back into circulation again.
The veins must make use on physical and mechanical properties as gravity or the action of adjacent muscles.
However, this return system may not always work and causes that veins remain full, with little or nil circulation.
As a traffic jam on the highway ... a traffic jam of garbage trucks.
So the accumulated blood increases the pressure inside the veins, deforming them and generating changes,  in this case, in our legs.
Varicose veins appears to search for new paths, the swelling by the lack of drainage of liquids, pains and cramps for the accumulation of waste and lack of oxygen.
Over time, if this process continues, the tissues are weakened, acquire different coloration and helps the formation of ulcers.  Of course, ulcers difficult to heal.
The solution requires a comprehensive management involving the elimination of new blood vessels, the varicose veins, tissue nutrition and get strength to veins and lymphatics, without forgetting the improvement of the drainage system to remove load and pressure that affected veins.
In AB Esthetic we can help you with this.

If you need more information,     we can provide advise  totally  free       or make your appointment      and start treatment soon .