Thursday 6 July 2017

Weight loss tips I

Good hydration.  In a dehydrated organism, the priority is to maintain a balance and not to keep a healthy metabolism. Although we do not feel it, we generally do not replenish the liquid we lose.

Wake up early.  The human body has diurnal customs and as such many of its biochemical functions are regulated by the circadian cycle. Including metabolic processes.

Avoid stress.  When stressed, your body releases cortisol that helps to burn first sources of energy but keeps the fat and storages it.  Meanwhile the metabolic ways are focused in other ways.

Perform exercise.  Muscles have a better metabolic rate than fat tissue.  If you enhance your muscular mass you will improve your energy use and will burn more fat.  But this effect has limits.

Select your food.  Your liver will be busy processing chemicals from processed food rather than attending its metabolic functions.  Furthermore, food with high glycemic index will cause changes in your own insulin.

Energy drinks.  Some substances could change and enhance the metabolism, but they usually cause changes in all the body and may have several adverse effects.  Some of them have a lot of sugar as well.

Sleep.  Lack of sleep can cause alterations in the release of ghrelin and leptin, which are hormones that control appetite and fat distribution, as well as contribute to stress

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