Thursday 27 July 2017

Weight loss 4 - 50 tips

50  tips to help you to reduce your weight.

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• Eat consciously and enjoy your meals. Take your time to eat.
• When possible eat whole foods. Fiber sats you for longer.
• Avoid snacks before bedtime, that is not the same than don't eat your dinner.
• If you break your diet because cravings, always do it as healthy as possible and in small portions.
• Take water to drink, have no calories and will help you to lose weight.
• Take care of what you put in the salad, avoid sauces containing oil or cream.
• Eat more low-fat meat. Fish, chicken or turkey are good alternatives.
• Use small plates, so the food will look bigger.
• Use the oven more, so you can take advantage of the juice of fruits and vegetables during cooking to get better flavors.
• Do you have a nice dress that you can no longer wear? Take it out, make it visible to motivate you.  You will dress it soon.
• Eat more protein.  It maintains satiety longer.
• "Low-fat" or "low-sugar" labels generally hide the increase in other "non-beneficial" ingredients.
• Avoid breaded food. The batter absorbs a lot of fat.
• If you have a craving, start drinking water. Sometimes our brain sends confusing signals between cravings and lack of hydration.
• There is no reason to eat beyond satiety.
• Try to burn calories with any activity you do every day. Stretch, move your feet while sitting, dance, etc.
• Measure your waist, thigh, and hip with a tape measure; Do it every week to keep track of your change. But be careful, do not obsess.
• Ice cream craving? Choose preferably fruit sorbets, have fewer calories.
• Try to get enough sleep, and above all, that the quality of your sleep is optimal.
• Exercise more in your daily life. It is healthy and it can also be fun.
• Look at the nutritional information of the foods you buy.
• Avoid Trans and / or saturated fats.
• Write the goals you want to achieve. Follow the "SMART" method.
• Beware of alcohol, it has more calories than you think and also it twists your metabolism to different tasks.
• Relax. Stress promotes the fat storage and the anxiety induces you to eat more.
• Use the grill or wok as alternatives to avoid cooking with oil.
• Going hungry is not good for you.
• Look for a fixed day in the week to weigh yourself. Do not do it every day and do it after going to the toilet and before eat anything.
• Keeps a food diary and even note on it about feelings and emotions that may appear during the meal.
• Eat fresh food as much as possible. Precooked foods usually have additional components to preserve them.
• A good option is to eat fruit as a snack.
• Keeping a photographic record of your changes is a good idea.
• Never skip a good breakfast.
• Eat lots of vegetables, they just have calories.
• Once you achieve your goals, reward yourself. Give yourself a gift, you deserve it.
• Small sustained changes bring better results than a big change with high sacrifices.
• Eat slowly. The sensation of satiety only appears after 20 minutes.
• Exercise at least three times a week.
• If you do not resist craving to eat sweet, try to balance it with other foods according to its glycemic index.
• In company it is easier to lose weight. Do it with friends or your partner.
• Plan the shopping list.
• If you eat chocolate, dark chocolate is better, you will be satiated before and you will not eat as much.
• Don't keep junk food in your cupboard, avoid any temptation to your goal.
• Eat always sitting at the table, even the smallest meals.
• Never go to the supermarket with an empty stomach, you probably will  buy more than you planed.
• Look for different alternatives to control your anxiety or emotions, rather than  eating.
• It is best to take low-fat milk or skim milk.
• It is not the same to lose weight, than lose it well. If you destroy other tissues and not just the fat, you will soon recover the weight lost.
• Losing weight without control can affect your health and could give you a negative effect in your image.

• Reduce salt in foods. Even if you do not notice it, salt helps to retain liquids and increase your weight.

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