Thursday 13 July 2017

Weight loss tips II

Weight loss tips II

How do you pretend to lose weight if you store your waste?

 To get started, a classic tale....
 There was a meeting of body parts, discussing who should be the leader.
The brain said that he should be the leader because he coordinates everything. The heart said that he should be the leader because he sends blood to the whole organism. The lungs because they took the oxygen we need... And so, each one proposed themselves as leaders of the body.   At the end the poo said it wanted to be the leader. Of course, everyone laughed and despised its proposal.
So the poop decided not to leave.
Days went by without evacuating the poop and the body began to get sick.  Just when the body was too bad and sick, then everyone realised their mistake and allowed the poop to lead.
* Even today there are those who have poop leading in the head and in the heart ...haha...

Well, getting back to our business, it's time to realise how important it is for us to eliminate our wastes.

Not just because they have its own weight and we record it on the scale as part of the measurement of our weight, but also because they bring adverse effects to our body, which do not allow us to enjoy good health.

The constipation, the fluid retention and the distention by gases are great enemies of our figure and our weight.

According to a study by the American Dietetic Association, the average weight of daily deposition in a person with a healthy diet is 500 grams, while in a Western citizen the average elimination is only 200 grams per day.

A diet low in fibre, processed foods that are slow to digest, some toxic substances (tobacco, alcohol, etc.), stress and little water consumption, help developing different forms of constipation.
"What is not eliminated is kept inside and weighed" by increasing what the scale records in us.
Keeping hundreds of grams of waste inside us accumulates toxins, fermenting badly digested foods and causing our bodies to malfunction.

The accumulation of gases makes us look fatter, distend our abdomen, can cause pain and can compromise our life in society ...

The retention of liquid also makes us look fatter and with a sense of heaviness. Our kidneys do not work properly, our circulation is affected and it can cause widespread damage.

All this has a solution, but the change must be carried out in a progressive way or we will have unpleasant effects that will make us return to our previous state.

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