Sunday 19 March 2017

How to treat circulatory problems in the legs.

Today I want to tell you about the treatments of circulatory problems in the legs.
The methods for removing varicose veins depend on its size.     If there are very large veins, there is no other remedy than surgery ...
But some medium and small veins can be removed by burning them ... but burning them without pain.
For this we can use the laser, although it is not cheap…       or we can use sclerotherapy that remains been  the medical procedure of choice.   Sclerotherapy is a technique that involves injection a substance into the vein, causing its irritation and collapse, sealing it permanently.  On the spot, like magic.
And because the veins don’t have nerves, we don’t feel what happens in them. There is no pain.
Of course, these treatments will not help much, if we don’t do something else to improve the circulation; otherwise varicose veins and symptoms will reappear.
To help our circulation there are medications that help in nutrition and strength for the wall of the blood vessels.
Massages for venous and lymphatic drainage, help to release tension of these vessels and should be performed regularly,  additionally  some ambulatory recommendations could help to keep our legs in a good shape.
In AB Esthetic we can help you with this.

If you need more information,     we can provide advise  totally  free       or make your appointment      and start treatment soon .

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