Saturday 18 February 2017

You must have problems with the circulation in your legs.

Today I want to talk about the circulatory system.
I bet you learned that our circulation occurs  by a circuit commanded by the heart, which carries blood through the arteries to the capillaries and returns through the veins to the heart to be pumped again.
This is partly true, but it has missed something important ... This is not a closed system. It would not have sense.  Blood running around and around ...?
What happens is that the circuit is opened in the capillaries and blood releases fluids, oxygen and nutrients to the tissues to allow them to work.  Then, veins and lymphatics collect excess of fluid and waste, to return them to the circulation, eliminate what doen’t work and recharge oxygen and nutrients.
But how they return?  The heart pumps blood through the arteries to the tissues ... but who pumps the venous blood from the tissues? We do not have small hearts there that push the blood back into circulation again.
The veins must make use on physical and mechanical properties as gravity or the action of adjacent muscles.
However, this return system may not always work and causes that veins remain full, with little or nil circulation.
As a traffic jam on the highway ... a traffic jam of garbage trucks.
So the accumulated blood increases the pressure inside the veins, deforming them and generating changes,  in this case, in our legs.
Varicose veins appears to search for new paths, the swelling by the lack of drainage of liquids, pains and cramps for the accumulation of waste and lack of oxygen.
Over time, if this process continues, the tissues are weakened, acquire different coloration and helps the formation of ulcers.  Of course, ulcers difficult to heal.
The solution requires a comprehensive management involving the elimination of new blood vessels, the varicose veins, tissue nutrition and get strength to veins and lymphatics, without forgetting the improvement of the drainage system to remove load and pressure that affected veins.
In AB Esthetic we can help you with this.

If you need more information,     we can provide advise  totally  free       or make your appointment      and start treatment soon .